• Building the future by securing the present!

Our Services

IT Security

Tiger Team

​​IT Security services - Security is a strong enabler of corporate strategy. In the face of recent information attacks and security threats that happen worldwide, every day, what we offer is the protection of valuable information assets against loss, misuse, disclosure or damage.

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Training and e-learning - ​Esophia is a company devoted to create simple and effective training solutions ​for complex problems. With the help of various out of the box methods, such as gamification​, business simulations, tests & surveys, we aim to deliver a more joyful process of e-learning.​

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Affordable rendering - ​Smart3Dguys is committed to create cutting edge 3D perspectives and architectural plans for home builders and architects, possible with the expertise and experience​of its dedicated team of professionals. We deliver high quality projects at lower costs to our clients, wherever their business is located.

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Up to date online newspaper - ​Cyberneticus acts more as an aggregator and a tool for Tiger Team, or in other words, a powerful news forum​for those interested in technology, business, education or cyber-security. You will be able to find numerous helpful articles, which will keep you updated​with the newest trends, issues and innovations in the market.

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Why Choose Us ?

Firstly, because we make your needs our main priority. Secondly, we won't give up on a project until it looks pitch perfect. And thirdly, we will always make sure to deliver everything you've asked for, on time and for an affordable price. Besides all this, there are important benefits to working with us: we always involve our know-how in the process of creation, we maintain a flexible and positive attitude throughout the entire project and we count on years of experience in each of our fields of service

  • Dedicated professionals
  • On-time delivery of projects
  • High quality, customized work
  • Affordable prices
why choose us?

Recent projects

VELTour 3d Visualization
ALMED Telemedicine
Future School HTML-CSS training
Student Security Education
Esophia Sales and Marketing Training
Cyber Security Academy Cyber Security

We Also offer


We offer fast, reliable and secure service that’s backed by our friendly, knowledgeable support team, 24/7. In fact, we’re so convinced you’ll love our hosting services that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Website development

​We offer a broad range of services that are related to web and mobile application development, on leading mobile platforms such as iOS, Android or Windows Phone

Software development

The software development strategy of our company relies on our ability to execute according to the dominant trends on the international market and also on our capabilities to deploy the latest technologies according to the defined development directions.

Software Code Audit

A software code audit is a comprehensive analysis of source code in a programming project with the intent of discovering bugs, security breaches or violations of programming conventions.